by Dan Bathker
(La Canada California)
I was in southern California during the 1964 earthquake, but I heard the following story told by a woman in the hard-hit area of Turnagain.
Her words were close to what I remember and wrote below:
“The entire first minute was sheer terror, then the second minute was just very scary.
During the third minute, I started getting used to the shaking.
By the fourth minute, I decided, well, this isn't ever going to stop.
So, I sat down on the couch and hung on.”
A Note from Anchorage Memories
Thank you for sharing this story with us.
As survivors, we can tell you first hand that the March 27th earthquake was terrifying. It lasted for 5 minutes and during that time we experienced sounds, images, and feelings we will never be able to forget.
And, for many months after the quake, the question “where were you during the quake” was asked of us over and over.
The stories we heard from friends and family as they told us their quake experiences were horrifying, sad and amazing all at once.
Remembering the earthquake with stories like the one above, reminds survivors of a shared experience and gives those who have only seen pictures, film or heard first-hand stories, an idea of what happened on March 27, 1964, in a place called Alaska.
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