What is Anchorage Memories?

You've just discovered the motherload, an Alaska cache of wonderful Anchorage memories, pictures, stories, and videos.

what is anchorage memoriesIt's all about preserving memories

Thank you for making this incredible website for all things Anchorage. There are so many past treasures.” Aaron

Memories Make You Feel Good

One of the wonderful things about your memories is that they make you feel good.

Oh, to remember the fun times. The people, places, and events that are dear to your heart.

That's why this Anchorage Memories website proclaims:

“fill your heart – feed your soul”

We're a library of memories and stories about growing up and living in the town of Anchorage, Alaska.

The memories you'll find here cover Anchorage from its days as a tent city, up through the 1970s.

How Can You Find the Memories You're Interested in?

That's easy!

At the very top of this page is a navigation bar.

You'll discover that the “Nav Bar” has seven categories filled with memories.

To use the Nav Bar, just move your mouse arrow over each category.

“Start Here”, “About Us”, “VIP Club”, “Memories”, “Did You Know”, “Alaska” or “Connect”.

When you hover your mouse arrow over any of the words at the top of the website, a small gray block will appear.


The block that appears when you hover over “Start Here” includes pages you can visit like, “How to Post”, “FAQ” (frequently asked questions), “Books and Stories” and “What's New” which is our blog.

When you click on any of these, it takes you directly to that page.

Go ahead and have fun exploring.

Reading Other Visitor's Memories

Have you ever noticed that when you read or hear other people's memories it very often reminds you of your own memories?

Maybe even memories you have long forgotten.

Here on Anchorage Memories you can read memories that other visitors have posted.

And yes, you can post your memories too.

Did You Know?

Besides the library of wonderful memories you'll discover here on the Anchorage Memories website, you can have precious memories sent directly to you!

The Anchorage Memories VIP Club, delivered right to your email in-box on the first three Sundays of each month… and it's free.


alaska vip club

Delivered by email

3 times each month


***Interesting Facts about Alaska

***Alaska Pioneers


You can listen to the VIP Podcast


Our “Humorous Stories from ALASKA” eBook when you join

Now that you know more about why Anchorage Memories is here for you, each of your visits to this website will be even more enjoyable.

Have fun remembering.

Mike and Mary