Alaska eBooks

You'll love these one-of-a-kind Alaska eBooks that bring the history, wonder, and humor of the 49th state right to you in stories. Have a great lunchtime read.

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Audio and Video stories

Short stories that are good lunchtime reads

Enjoy the Following Special Previews

A Gold Rush Adventure

gold fever skagway soapy smith

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A Short Story from Michael R Dougherty

It was 1897 and Gold Fever gripped the world.

Many gold seekers headed for Skagway, Alaska.

A few chapters from the Table of Contents:

  • Bare Knuckles
  • Trouble at the Golden Mule
  • The Eagle was in on It

And much more

From Mike's e-book:

That Darn Newspaper Headline

“The large words printed on the page screamed at Ed Williams so loud he couldn't ignore them. He was unable to look away. They grabbed at his mind like a mythical Greek Siren's wail and pulled him in. There it was in the 1897 edition of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper.

“GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! Sixty-Eight Rich Men on the Steamer Portland. STACKS OF YELLOW METAL!”

Gold Fever, Skagway and Soapy Smith is an adventure-filled short story that takes you to the gold strike, the rough town of Skagway, Alaska, and face-to-face with the notorious, Soapy Smith.

Are You Ready

for an Alaska Fishing Adventure?

my alaska commercial fishing adventure

When Mike was only 16, his dad got him a job on a purse seiner boat out of the picturesque town of Cordova, Alaska on Prince William Sound. Mike had no idea what a purse seiner was, but he was about to find out.

All over the world, people say, “I'd like to go commercial fishing in Alaska for the adventure and to make a lot of money.”

Yes, it's an incredible adventure, but the work is hard. It's very hard.

From Mike's story:

“Then the Skipper yelled “what are you doing? I told you to pull in the lead line!” Frustrated I swung around to look at the Skipper. When I did, the plunger pole slipped out of one hand and the end of the wooden pole struck him on the side of his head. Suddenly, I watched in terror as the Skipper's body shook in anger. He looked up at me with furious eyes and yelled “what?” At that moment, I shot back with “what do you want me to do? Man the plunger pole or the lead line?” The Skipper stood there still shaking for an angry moment and loudly growled “both!”

Climb onboard for an Alaska adventure.

Get Ready to Laugh

adventure on wendigo island

A Hilarious Audio Story

“Adventure on Wendigo Island” is an audio story told by author Michael R. Dougherty.

You'll enjoy following the adventures of two teenage boys, author Michael R Dougherty and his brother Tom. Follow along as they get into a small rowboat and head for a night of camping and adventure on a small island on a lake in Cordova, Alaska.

But their over-active imaginations turn their camp out into a laugh-filled adventure.

Based on a true story.

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Alaska eBooks

Take You There

There is something about Alaska.

With its rich history, the last frontier is a vast land where the incredible beauty of nature is on full display. Where the nighttime sky fills with millions of stars and the Northern Lights at play. And where you can wake up to fluffy white snow as it floats down to cover the land in a royal blanket of white.

Yes, Alaska is a land of adventure. And in the ebooks above and more, you'll experience the Alaska that most only dream of.

Funny Alaska Stories bring you up close to the funny side of living in the Great Land.

Gold Fever, Skagway and Soapy Smith takes you to the 1800s Alaska Gold Rush and the boom town of Skagway where you'll encounter a con man named Soapy Smith. History comes alive.

These short stories, video stories and audio stories are perfect lunchtime reads. And you'll enjoy them anytime.


These are digital ebooks which means that they are instant downloads you can start enjoying right away.

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