Great Alaskan Earthquake

This story, Great Alaskan Earthquake Survivor, is about a teenage girl who was caught in the JC Penney building in Anchorage during the 1964 earthquake.

My name is Mary Jane Dougherty.

When the “Great Alaskan Earthquake” struck, my brother Norman and I were in JC Penny's in downtown Anchorage.

Moments later, we were running for our lives as the building collapsed all around us.

A building that collapsed during the 1964 earthquakeJC Penney Building After the Quake

Photo by Ed Rosek

Great Alaskan

Earthquake Survivor

Yes, I'm a 1964 earthquake survivor, and this is my story of the incredible things I experienced and witnessed during Alaska's Good Friday earthquake.

The ground was rolling like waves on the ocean, and we were breathing in all that choking dust. The noise of the earthquake sounded like the hardest wind imaginable. It was deafening.”

Mary Jane Dougherty, author

Now you can experience the Great Alaskan Earthquake through the eyes of a survivor because I've told my incredible story in this exciting book.

The Experience

Are you a survivor of the Good Friday, March 27th, 1964 earthquake?

Then we share a common bond

You will relate to, and appreciate what you'll read in my story.

Take a Look

Earthquake Survivor e-bookA Digital Download

“It was the most terrifying day of my life.” Mary

You can download Mary's story of survival right now.

You can read it on your laptop or portable device, at home or on the go.

Once you start reading Mary's story, you'll find yourself caught up in the moment. You'll follow her and her brother through Anchorage's JC Penny building and outside, where stones rain down as huge concrete slabs crash onto the sidewalk.

You'll experience the rolling earth, howling wind and choking dust that surrounded them as they desperately searched for a safe place.

Great Alaskan Earthquake Survivor

There have been many stories told about the 1964 earthquake, but this story, seen through the eyes of a teenage girl as she saw her world of Anchorage being torn apart, is an experience you won't forget.

Did You Experience

the 1964 Earthquake?

If you did, where were you when the quake struck?

Do you remember how it felt, how it sounded and what you saw?

Survivors of the 1964 Alaska earthquake still recall those memories. And this book captures the quake from the perspective of a young girl who saw a building collapsing around her.

A short lunchtime read.